
路易斯·F. Queme, M.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical 科学s, COM



Luis Queme obtained his BS and MD from the Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala City, Guatemala in 2007 and received his PhD in Cell 信息rmation Medicine from 名古屋大学, 名古屋, 2013年的日本, after researching the role of growth factors in the development of delayed onset muscle soreness under Prof. 卡组Mizumura. He then moved to Cincinnati Ohio for a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Michael Jankowski at the Division of Pain Management in the Department of Anesthesia at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where his research focused on the dual role of primary muscle afferents in controlling both nociception and the cardiovascular reflexes in response to muscle activity with the support of a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association. He later transitioned to an Instructor faculty position in the same department, focusing his research in the neuroimmune interactions that modulate the effects of stress in the development of chronic pain.

In the fall of 2022 he joined the Department of Biomedical 科学s at the University of New England College of 整骨疗法的医学 as an Assistant Professor.  Current NIH-funded projects focus on the role of macrophages in the development of long-lasting muscle pain using a multidisciplinary approach that combines molecular biology, 体外 electrophysiology and AI-driven behavioral analysis. 



Francisco Marroquin University, Guatemala City, Guatemala
研究 Institute of Environmental Medicine, 医学研究生院, 名古屋大学, 名古屋, 日本
Francisco Marroquin University, Guatemala City, Guatemala


Department of Anesthesia, Division of Pain Management, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center




  • Somatosensation
  • 肌肉骨骼疼痛
  • 慢性疼痛
  • 神经免疫相互作用
  • 疼痛的非神经元调节
  • 信息交流



Queme低频Jankowski议员.  Chapter: Electrophysiological recordings on muscle primary sensory neurons using a muscle-nerve-dorsal root ganglion-spinal cord 体外 准备. Book: Contemporary approaches to the study of pain: from molecules to neural networks. 编辑:Rebecca Seal. 出版社:施普林格·自然. 2022.

Queme低频, Dourson AJ, Hofmann MC, Butterfield A, Paladini RDJankowski议员. Disruption of Hyaluronic Acid in Skeletal Muscle Induces Decreased Voluntary Activity via Chemosensitive Muscle Afferent Sensitization in Male Mice. ENEURO. 0522-21.2022; DOI: 10.1523 / ENEURO.0522-21.2022

Nagaraja年代, Queme低频, Hofmann MC, Tewari SGJankowski议员, Reifman J.  在网上 Identification of Key Factors Driving the Response of Muscle Sensory Neurons to Noxious Stimuli. 前面. >. 2021年9月. DOI: 10.3389 / fnins.2021.719735

Queme低频, Weyler AA, Cohen ER, Hudgins RCJankowski议员. A role for peripheral GDNF signaling in ischemic myalgia development. 国家科学基金委 2020 Jan, 117 (1) 698-707; DOI: 10.1073 / pnas.1910905116

Queme低频, 养家糊口的议员. Sex differences and mechanisms of muscle pain. 当前观点物理. 2019 Oct; 11:1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.cophys.2019.03.006 Epub 2019 4月2日

何欣,张磊, Queme低频, 刘X, 路一, Waclaw RR, 董X, 周女士, 基德G, Yoon所以, Buonanno一, 鲁宾JB, 新米, 中殿KA, 特拉普双相障碍Jankowski议员, 陆QR. A histone deacetylase 3-dependent pathway delimits peripheral myelin growth and functional regeneration. Nat地中海. 2018年3月,24 (3):338 - 351. DOI: 10.1038/nm.4483

Queme低频Ross JLJankowski议员. Peripheral Mechanisms of Ischemic Myalgia. 前细胞神经科学. 2017年12月22日;11:419. DOI: 10.3389 / fncel.2017.00419

Queme低频, 罗斯•杰 Lu P, Hudgins RC and 养家糊口的议员. Dual modulation of nociception and cardiovascular reflexes during peripheral ischemia through P2Y1 receptor dependent sensitization of muscle afferents. J >. 2016; 36(1):19-30. DOI:10.1523 / JNEUROSCI.2856-15.2016

罗斯•杰 Queme低频, Shank AT, Hudgins RCJankowski议员. Sensitization of group III and IV muscle afferents in the mouse after ischemia and reperfusion injury. J疼痛. 2014; 15(12):1257-70. DOI:10.1016/j.jpain.2014.09.003

Murase S, Terazawa E, Hirate K, Yamanaka H, Kanda H, Noguchi K, Ota H, Queme F,田口T,水村K. Upregulated Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor Through Cyclooxygenase-2 Activation in the Muscle is Required for Mechanical Hyperalgesia After Exercise in Rats. 杂志. 2013年6月15日;591(12):3035-48. DOI: 10.1113 / jphysiol.2012.249235

Murase S, Terazawa E, Queme F, Ota H, Matsuda T, Hirate K, Kozaki Y, Katanosaka K, Taguchi T, Urai H, Mizumura K. Bradykinin and Nerve Growth Factor Play Pivotal Roles in Muscular Mechanical Hyperalgesia After Exercise (Delayed-onset Muscle Soreness). J >. 2010年3月10日;30(10):3752-61. DOI: 10.1523 / JNEUROSCI.3803-09.2010


Peripheral mechanisms of the transition from acute to chronic pain, effect of stress in the development of muscle pain, Peripheral neuroimmune interactions.